What is a Network Mask (SM)?

In the IPv4 world, a netmask is a 32-bit number that answers the question of how many bits of an IP address are dedicated to identifying a network. It can also be displayed binary - by dividing it into 32 ones and zeros. We understand the border where "1" ends and "0" begins as an imaginary border of ones and zeros. Values of "1" indicate bits that identify networks.

How to calculate the netmask for an existing IP network?

Just enter the IP address and the length of the prefix in the input field and the correct netmask will appear on the right.

What is a wildcard (WC)?

In the IPv4 world, a wildcard is a 32-bit number that answers the question of how many bits of an IP address are dedicated to identifying a host. It can also be displayed binary - by dividing it into 32 ones and zeros. We understand the border where "1" ends and "0" begins as an imaginary border of ones and zeros. Values of "1" indicate bits that identify guests.

How to calculate a wildcard to an existing IP network?

The procedure is identical. All you have to do is enter the IP address and the length of the prefix in the input field and a correct wildcard will appear on the right side, which indicates how many bits of the IP address are dedicated to the host computer.

What is Network ID?

In the IPv4 world, the Network ID is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a given network segment.

How is the Network ID calculated?

In CIDR-scheme understanding of IPv4 address distribution, the network ID is calculated by performing the binary product between a specific IPv4 address and the netmask. The result will be the Network ID. This program automatically calculates the Network ID.

What is a default gateway?

In the IPv4 world, the default gateway is the IPv4 address to which all "foreign" packets that are not directly related to the network segment on which the packet originated are directed. The default gateway is represented by a computer, network router (router), Multilayer/L3 Switch or firewall, which sends packets that are directed to the default gateway to where they belong.

How to calculate default gateway?

It is easy to calculate the default gateway. It is enough to enter the specific IP address in the given network segment, which you enter in the left part, with the correct prefix of the network segment (also entered in the left part). Using the mathematical AND operation, the program automatically multiplies the IPv4 address and netmask with a binary product to calculate the network identifier. From it, it determines the first IPv4 address as the default gateway address.