bash vs ksh


Linux and Unix have various shells. Two kinds of these numerous shells are KSH and BASH.

KSH (The Korn Shell) was developed many years before the BASH. Ksh has associative arrays and handles loop syntax better than bash. Also ksh's command print is better than bash's echo command. In other way, ksh does not support history completion, process substitution and rebindable command line editing.

Bash has more added extension than ksh. Bash has tab completion and esier method to set a prompt in order to display current directory.

Compared to ksh, bash is newer and more popular.

Example of difference ksh and bash in condition test. First bash:

if [ $i -eq 3 ]

and condition test in ksh:

if (($i==3))

Bash can handle exit codes from pipes in a cleaner way. Bash and KSH are both Bourne=compatible shell, they share common function and features and can be interchangeable to use.

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